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  • Writer's pictureRebecca Needham

Welcome to Haunted Places & Conspiracy Theories

From ghosts to lizard people to the Illuminati, suspend your beliefs and take a deep dive into these stories

Welcome to the Haunted Places & Conspiracy Theories section of the blog. Here you will find an alternating post covering a haunted place or conspiracy theory every Friday. Some of the topics you can look forward to reading about are...

Australia's Ararat Lunatic Asylum

Global Warming, Truth or Hoax?

The Chase Vault of Barbados

The Denver Airport

...and many more!

Please note, I am not a conspiracy theorist and none of the information that will be discussed in these conspiracy theories are my beliefs. I just find them very interesting.

Let me know if you have heard of any haunted places or conspiracies you would like to know more about!

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