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  • Writer's pictureRebecca Needham

Staying Sane in Self Isolation

Going stir crazy while staying inside? You're not alone - here's some things I do to make things a little bit better.

If there’s one thing that can be hard to do when staying home all the time, it’s not going stir crazy. Even introverts (like myself) can find themselves pacing around wondering what to do. Well, I’ve taken my own personal experience and decided to compile it into some tips and tricks that help me, and maybe they will help you too.

You’ve probably already heard this, but it is very important to maintain a routine during this time. Maintaining a routine can be difficult when you don’t have a time you have to wake up and a time you have to go to bed, and your day isn’t centered around going to and coming from work. That’s why you have to make sure you come up with a routine that works for you. My morning routine consists (roughly) of

Wake up around 8 or 9

Brush my teeth, change out of my pajamas, do my morning skin care routine

Take my vitamins and supplements and drink a big glass of water

Take the dogs out and feed them

Eat breakfast

Sit down and drink my coffee while I write

By doing this, I have a somewhat productive start to my day and even if the only other things I get done that day are eating lunch and dinner and walking the dogs, I at least know I did something good for my body and my mind.

Of course, my routine can always be improved or altered. For example, if it’s not too hot out in the morning, I could take the dogs for a long walk and get in some nice, relaxed morning cardio. I would like to start adding a morning run (jog) into my routine, but we’ll get there eventually 😉

Another important thing I like to do, and this one is almost (if not as) important as having a routine. It is important to set a goal for your day or your whole week. My goals for this week are to:

· Write a blog post for each category of the blog

· Advertise my blog on Facebook and Instagram

· Write at least 5 pages of the story I’m working on

· Exercise at least 5 days this week

· Try a new recipe (cooking or baking)

· Run 5 miles

And fun goals, of course:

· Play a video game I enjoy or start a new one

· Read a book (maybe finish one)

Once you have goals established, it is easy to build a plan around them so that you have some sort of structure for your week. For example:

Monday: Morning Routine, post daily blog content, write 1 page of story, advertise blog, exercise, play a video game

Tuesday: Morning Routine, post daily blog content, Write 1 page of story, exercise, advertise blog, read

As always, make sure you take time for self care in your week and time to get sleep. This is a great time to make sure you are feeling your best and not neglecting yourself.

Hopefully something in this post helps you all out! Stay tuned next week for more tips for staying sane during isolation and thanks for reading!


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