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  • Writer's pictureRebecca Needham

Chapter 2: The Strange Man

Updated: Sep 9, 2021

After a moment of hesitation, you make your way to the man. He watches you as you come closer, a strange glint in his eye. Once you are close enough, he gestures to a chair next to him and you sit. It seems colder at this end of the porch, but your curiosity has overwhelmed you enough to block it out for the time being.

The man does not say anything still, but his eyes work their way over your drenched clothing. You are starting to become uncomfortable in the silence - the other men have made their way back inside the pub.

"Who are you?" you find yourself blurting out, unable to deal with the silence any longer. If this man is not going to say anything, you decide you are not going to waste anymore time freezing out here when there is warmth to be found.

The man does not answer you. Instead, he pulls his gaze away from you and pulls something from a bag sitting on his lap. The object catches the flickering torch light and he lifts it up so you can get a better look at it. It is...

...a small coin. The man twists the coin around in his fingers, letting you see both sides. Strangely, one side is blank and flat. The other side is etched with a simple portrait of a hooded man.

"Who I am is not important. What I am showing you now is."

The man holds the coin out to you, watching you intently.

"I have been waiting for someone like you to appear. Take this coin, traveler, and show it to the bartender. He will know what to do."

You find your mind racing at the strange man's words. Why was he waiting for someone like you? By someone like you, did he just mean a stranger who showed up on the porch? Was this some sort of trick? You realize you are now faced with a decision:

What will you do?

Take the coin and talk to the bartender
Leave the coin and go inside


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All votes will be counted by Tuesday of the following week and you will find out the results in the next chapter of the story.

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1 Comment

Shelbi Adkins
Shelbi Adkins
Sep 10, 2021

Take the coin!

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